Sick. Again.

29 July 2012

Well, what started off as a clear day with a few interesting shaped clouds has now become a cold and fiercely raining afternoon. The last week has been unusually hot and sunny, a shock to the system after the first couple of weeks, but now we seem to be heading for more of the same, wet and cold weather as before. Hmmm… I believe that was lightning… ah yes, there’s the thunder.

I’ve been re-reading Pride and Prejudice over the last few days, and it suddenly occurred to me that I am in the very London Jane Austen is describing! We went past Cheapside on the bus the other day. Tee hee…

I’ve been afflicted (my word of the week thanks to Jane Austen) with another cold and fever. Thankfully the fever’s abated, but there’s still the head cold to get rid of. Fortunately we moved into a place where we can stay for the next couple of months or more just before this. So at least I’ve had the comfort of a private room, a good bed, and some peace and quiet to recover.

That peace and quiet is likely to disappear pretty quickly this week though. The builders have almost completed creating four new rooms out of the lounge, dining area, and the master bedroom. So there will be a total of eight of us in the apartment in the end. With two bathrooms and one tiny kitchen. It was however the first clean and dry place we’d come across in our search for somewhere to stay, and it is half the price of the hostels we were staying in. It did mean however that almost the entirety of my remaining funds had to be put on the deposit and the first month’s rent in advance. We now await Boyd’s first pay cheque with anticipation.

Due to the string of colds and the time consuming search for somewhere to live, I still haven’t started a decent search for work. With limited internet access it is even more difficult. My hope is that this week I will be well enough to go talk to some agencies and find some temp work.

The Olympics have apparently started, but without internet access or television they have passed me by so far. The closest I got was hearing, but not seeing, the fireworks display from the opening ceremony. I was too sick to venture out, but I am sure we will see plenty of screens around town for the next two weeks.

Yesterday was my birthday. The crappiest birthday so far, I think. Sick and with little cash to spend on fancy outings we did very little to mark the occasion, just a short walk to a local pub for lunch overlooking a canal. Hopefully next week Boyd will take me to a West End show, which will be an entirely suitable belated birthday present.

Next week we are also booked on a day trip to Stonehenge and Bath with the Britbound group we signed up with to help us get bank accounts sorted. (I’m very thankful we did, as when I went to sign up at the bank the guy kept having to make up stuff to fill in certain fields and ignore others in an effort to get around the system for me. I hate to think what would have happened if I’d tried to do it as an honest individual!). I’ve been to both places before, but Boyd hasn’t, and I’m sure he will love Bath. I am keen to see them again with an older and slightly more knowledgeable eye - and a better camera! We will visit Stonehenge and the Roman Baths in the morning, then have the afternoon free to check out what we like in Bath, followed by a few highly recommended Bath Ales and the journey homeward.


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